Holistically & scientifically formulated skincare

Holistically & scientifically formulated skincare

For most people, using just a tallow balm may not be enough to see real and healing results with their skin. Whilst tallow is most definitely nutrient-dense and a key ingredient in your beauty routine, it is not meant to be used singularly. Channeling the wisdom of our ancestors, Gaia Uncovered was born as contemporary brand using scientific methodology to enhance your skin.

Our product range is crafted with intention, and science! Our products work synergistically with each other to heal and beautify the skin by harmoniously promoting skin restoration, nurturing the skin barrier and preserving the integrity of the acid mantle. Additionally, our formulations support the skin biome's natural healing processes.

What is the skin barrier?

The skin is your largest organ and is made up of 3 layers:

1. Epidermis

2. Dermis

3. Subcutaneous layer

The upper layer of the epidermis, called the stratum corneum, is your body's first line of defence - the skin barrier. The stratum corneum is made of of skin cells called corneocytes which are tightly bound together by ceramides, fatty acids and cholesterol and contain a protein called filaggrin which produces natural moisturising factors (NMF) for the skin, which regulate and retain the skin's moisture and hydration. 

A robust skin barrier is adept at retaining moisture, ensuring your skin remains well-hydrated, supple, and resilient. Additionally, it serves as a shield against environmental assailants such as pollution, reducing the likelihood of skin sensitivities and irritations.

On the flip side, if your skin barrier isn’t functioning properly, your skin will be susceptible to harm, leading to skin conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, general skin sensitivities and inflammation. You will also have a diminished ability to repel harmful aggressors, such as free radicals.This is noteworthy because free radicals can lead to physical alterations like discoloration, laxity, and premature wrinkles. 

Whilst I agree about the significant importance your internal health, like diet, lifestyle and emotions, play in your overall skin health, it is also important to look at the integrity of the skin barrier. In fact, this often gets overlooked and wrong topical products get used, perhaps then prolonging the healing process and feeling defeated that your internal health modifications are ineffective. Once you repair your skin barrier, this can give a more clear indication of what is happening internally and then be able to correctly address those remaining visible imbalances.

How the skin barrier can become imbalanced

The most common way to damage your skin barrier is by following a biologically inappropriate skin care routine and using harsh skincare products too often (been there, done that!). Over exfoliating, both physically and chemically (with AHAs and BHAs) and using harsh skin cleansers can wreak havoc on your skin barrier by destroying the lipid layer. This can inturn make your skin more oily as it so desperately tries to make up for the lipids lost. Curiously, this can also simultaneously cause excessive dryness as there are no protective lipids to protect from moisture loss.This is the reason why dry skin can often be misinterpreted as oily, resulting in further harm caused by the use of exfoliating products targeted for oily skin. This perpetuates a cycle of increasing damage without addressing the root issue. A healthy skin barrier doesn't need much exfoliation as healty skin cells should be able to slough off and renew without any assistance. As an alternative, I love using raw honey as a natural enzymatic exfoliant once a week/fortnight.

All the different regions and structures in our body have a different pH level for optimal function. The stomach is very acidic (1.5-3.5), the vagina is acidic (3.8-5), the blood and intestines are slightly alkaline (7.4), and of course the pH of the skin sits at 5.5 (slightly acidic). The skin pH is another major reason for skin barrier imbalances. Alterations in the pH disrupt the intracellular lipid layer and the natural moisturizing factor within the corneocytes, weakening the barrier in the stratum corneum and rendering it susceptible to imbalances. Interestingly, those who suffer from skin conditions like eczema have slightly more alkaline skin, showing signs of barrier dysfunction. It is vital for those with such conditions to use pH appropriate skincare.


Healing your barrier should be simple

Having had personal experiences with a damaged barrier (see My Skin Story), I've gone through years of personal growth and endless research into what is the ultimate way to heal my skin from acne once and for all. The answer was simple - TO KEEP IT SIMPLE! You don't need a million different steps in your skincare routine - this does nothing but get you and your skin overwhelmed. I've developed the perfect products to nurture and protect your skin.

My recommended steps:

1. Cleansing only when you need to. And when you need to, avoid detergent based cleansers at all costs!

As mentioned above, detergent-based cleansers (anything that suds up) strip your skin of its protective lipid layer. Out with the soap, in with the Ghee Cleansing Oil! Doing an oil cleanse is so much more superior to your traditional cleanser! Our Ghee cleansing oil gently lifts makeup and dirt while preserving the lipid layer and keeping the natural moisturising factor undisturbed.

2. Adding hydration, vitamins and minerals to your skin.

A vital step that is too often skipped! Our Floral Toner is crafted with organic aloe vera, chamomile & rose hydrosol, glycerine, and vitamins B3 and B5. It deeply hydrates the skin, preventing water loss, as well as soothes irritation and softens the skin and balances the pH.

3. Protect the barrier

For those who have an imbalanced barrier needing some extra love, our Skin Barrier Repair Serum is your knight in shining armour. Made with Tremella mushroom, probiotics, urea and glycine as the hero ingredients, it specifically targets the skin biome and protective barrier. Check out these incredible results from just 1 week use of our Serum (used in conjuction with other steps). Notice how much more even the complexion is and the reduction in redness.


 4. Seal in all the goodness!

The final step - apply your favourite balm (Soothing, Illuminate, Renew) to lock in all the goodness. Our tallow and lard based balms are naturally rich in ceramides, essential fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Essential oils and fragrances, which can wreak havoc on the skin's biome, are eschewed in favour of directly infusing medicinal whole plants, harnessing their active compounds, vitamins and minerals.

You can save 10% when purchasing all steps together!

Check out our Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise Bundle (Steps 1, 2 and 4)

Barrier Repair Bundle COMING SOON (Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4)


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